
Healthier Choices

I have been trying to incorporate more healthy choices into my daily eating habits & share them with you on here. I have already shared one really delicious & healthy snack/dessert with you here, but I want to be more proactive in being healthy all the time. I have already started cutting back my sugar intake within the past few weeks. I try to say no to any dessert/candy/sweets unless I am really craving it. When I am really craving some processed sweets, I have just a little to satisfy my craving, then I put the fork down (so to speak). It really has worked! I have tried to do stuff like this before, but I always failed, & here are a couple reasons why:

1. I never made it an official goal, it was always, “I’ll try to go without sweets, but if I fail, it’s ok.”
2. I was too extreme (i.e. I won’t have any sweets no matter what, rather than having just a little taste when I really feel like I need it)

Once I made an actual goal, I stuck to it. I used to eat around 1-3 desserts/candies a day! Now, when I crave sweets, I reach for an apple or another sweet fruit. Then I wait… If that doesn’t do the trick, I’ll have maybe one little piece of candy. After that, the craving is gone! Really! I am so proud of myself, & I even have noticed a difference in the way I feel & look. Not huge changes, but still, good changes. I also have gotten my husband to make some healthier goals! The more I go without sweets, the less I crave them. It’s honestly been pretty easy for me to say no to ordering a dessert or reaching for an ice-cream bar every time I open the freezer. If you know me at all, this is a shock for you to be reading!

Today, I want to share one little sweet snack that’ll help you push away that cookie & put on those jogging shoes!

All I did was slice up some fresh strawberries & put them in a bowl, I added a little bit of water, a drizzle of honey, & a pinch of cinnamon. Stir around so all the strawberries are coated & snack away. I really don’t even like strawberries that much. Well, it’s not that I don’t like them, but I just don’t ever crave them or look forward to eating them. However, this little snack is really yummy for me.

Here are some benefits from this snack:
>Strawberries – boosts your immune system, provides lots of antioxidants, helps fight cancer, fights bad cholesterol, reduces inflammation, reduces blood pressure, & much more! (facts from

>Honey – prevents heart disease, reduces ulcers, increases athletic performance, it’s anti-bacterial, etc (facts from >> furthermore, I understand that honey may not be the best choice for a sweetener because it still contains sugar, but it is way better than white sugar or eating pie for that matter

>Cinnamon – regulates blood sugar, reduces bad cholesterol, contains fiber, calcium, manganese, & iron, etc (facts from >> you can use this spice on/in so many things including: smoothies, steel oats, quinoa, fruits, curry dishes… be creative!

If you have any little healthy snacks to share with me, please share them!

Have you made any healthy goals this year?

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  1. Sarah DeForest says:

    I love to put flax-seed in my smoothies in the morning! I am going to try adding spinach as well but I have gathered the bravery yet lol Since I have to be gluten free I have had to change a lot about my diet!

    1. Sarah DeForest says:

      Also, if I crave a sugary drink I make myself a green tea with honey and lemon! It satisfies my craving and green tea so good for you!

    2. I did use flax seed the other day in my smoothie! Honestly, use the spinach, you can’t taste it! Why did you have to go gluten free?

  2. Love your blog…adding it to my daily keep-updated-on-the-happenings list!

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